
lillia september
zane september

“A portrait of my children every month in 2016.”
Note: With both kids now in school, I’m shifting away from a weekly portrait project to a monthly one.

Lillia: September was a very busy month for you: Two dance classes, plus Nutcracker rep; running for Student Council VP (you lost, but put up a good fight); plus, Newspaper Club—you were even published in the Walpole Clarion (p 19). On top of that, you are dominating your school work, and currently have straight A’s (in fact, 7 out of 9 of your grades are A+’s). Your science teacher read your most recent paper to the whole class and remarked that “a highschooler couldn’t have written it better.” You’re quite the amazing kid! My favorite story this month: You happened to be passing by the library when the kindergarteners were visiting, and you immediately ran in to give Zane a hug and kiss. I think that pretty much made his year—according to his account, it was nothing short of a celebrity-sighting. Some big sisters wouldn’t give their little brother the time of day, so thank you for making him feel special.

Zane: Well, the novelty of kindergarten may have worn off a bit—it seems like I often hear, “Do I have to go to school today?” But, you always seem to have a great time once you’re there. Your teacher says that at least once a day you say something completely endearing, and I believe it. That was certainly my experience with you when we were home together. This month you’ve been playing outside by yourself quite a bit, too. I keep a window or door open so I can hear you, and I always make sure to tell you to stay in the yard, but I think you are enjoying this new freedom. And, it is time. You are five! We are lucky to live in a safe town, on a quiet street, where you can roam a little bit without me worrying. Yesterday we watched some videos of you as a baby, which is something you really enjoy. Even though I often think of you as being “little,” when I watch those videos I realize what a real kid you’ve become!

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My name is Kelli Ann Wilson (née Copeland), and I live in Walpole, NH. I am mama to Lillia (12) and Zane (5), and wife to Damian. My interests include: homemaking; photography; genealogy; gardening; and making things.

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