20 // 52

20 // 52 // Lillia
20 // 52 // Zane

“A portrait of my children once a week, every week, in 2015.”

Lillia: This week our house has turned into some sort of crazy campaign headquarters! You decided that you wanted to run for Student Council as a Member at Large. In order to participate in the election, you have to make and distribute campaign materials, and make a speech in front of the whole school! So far we’ve made: 4 glitter-encrusted posters; 20 flyers with your beautiful face right in the middle; and 48 “Vote for Lillia” pins. If you win, you will be a member of next year’s Walpole Elementary School Student Council. I’m always surprised and amazed by the ways in which you are willing to put yourself out there in the world. You do things I would have been way too scared to do at your age, and I am so proud of you for being so courageous. In fact, I am ALWAYS proud of you. I am the luckiest parent in the world because I have you for a daughter.

Zane: This week we have been very busy! We’ve been outside for a lot of the time, now that the weather has really turned a corner. We’ve also been doing a lot of baking — brownies for Daddy and cupcakes for your baptism on Sunday. As is evidenced by this photo, you were quite the helpful taste-tester (or pot-walloper, as Papa would say). We’ve talked a little bit about your baptism and what will happen, and also why we are doing it. You seem excited, and I hope that someday you will be glad that we made this choice for you. I remember looking down at you as a three day old baby, and something in your eyes told me that you were really happy to be here. I hope you will always appreciate the gift of life that God has given you, and that you will always find the church a place of comfort and spiritual renewal.

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My name is Kelli Ann Wilson (née Copeland), and I live in Walpole, NH. I am mama to Lillia (12) and Zane (5), and wife to Damian. My interests include: homemaking; photography; genealogy; gardening; and making things.

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