46 // 52

46 // 52 // Lillia
46 // 52 // Zane

“A portrait of my children once a week, every week, in 2014.”

Lillia: This week we took a trip to Boston and visited the Science Museum. I think you had fun, and it was interesting to see how you interacted with the exhibits in a very different way than the last time we visited. You are so much more grown-up now. Your favorite part was the exhibit on the human body. You measured your gait and your core body temperature, and all kinds of other metrics of health and well-being. You probably won’t work in the field of healthcare because you have a, self-professed, weak stomach. But, you seemed intrigued by the science of locomotion and discovering what knowledge can be extracted from raw data.

Zane: This week you have been talking a lot about your friends at school. We are a few months in and now you know many of their names. You have criticisms of their behavior (especially their wanton destruction of your block towers), but you seem to get along really well with a couple of little boys. We still have some difficulties at pick-up because you almost never want to leave. You’re especially offended that you don’t get to eat lunch with everyone else, since you are just a morning preschooler. Maybe next year you can stay longer, but mama is just not quite ready to give you up for that long yet.

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My name is Kelli Ann Wilson (née Copeland), and I live in Walpole, NH. I am mama to Lillia (12) and Zane (5), and wife to Damian. My interests include: homemaking; photography; genealogy; gardening; and making things.

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