29 // 52

29 // 52 // Lillia
29 // 52 // Zane

“A portrait of my children once a week, every week, in 2015.”

Lillia: This week you and your friend Anya attended Harry Pottery camp at Keene State College! One of our goals for the summer was to help you find activities that would provide the opportunity to meet like-minded folks your own age. Between theatre camp last week, and Harry Potter this week, I think we’ve come to the conclusion that you are, in fact, not alone in the world! You and your fellow Potterheads had a great time making potions, playing Quidditch, and making Harry Potter-related crafts (like the cute owl in this picture). Honestly, the first time I arrived to pick you up I had to chuckle a little because it was like walking into a room full of Lillias. You’ve also developed a wonderful friendship with Anya, which has been such a gift. Now that your camps are over, you’ll have some time to relax and hopefully do a lot of swimming at the town pool in the weeks to come.

Zane: This week you spent a lot of time driving back and forth to Keene for Lillia’s camp. You’re a real trouper and you don’t seem to mind the chaos, but I do wish I had arranged for you to do some of your own activities this summer, especially the camps at the Walpole Village School. They were all booked for the week by the time I got around to realizing it might be a good idea to sign you up! Still, we did get to do some swimming at the town pool, and you took walks at lunch time with me and Daddy. You are such a big boy now, you never want to ride in the stroller (and, of course, I would never force you to). My favorite Zane conversation of the week happened while you were playing soccer with Daddy in the front yard. Daddy said, “Zane, pass me the ball! We’ll be a team!” to which you replied, “My feet are my team!” and you proceeded to run away with the ball. What a silly boy you are, Zane!

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My name is Kelli Ann Wilson (née Copeland), and I live in Walpole, NH. I am mama to Lillia (12) and Zane (5), and wife to Damian. My interests include: homemaking; photography; genealogy; gardening; and making things.

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